June 4th Tiananmen Event Victims 六四天安门事件受害者

List of “June Fourth Thugs” still held in custody and their backgrounds


It has been 20 years since June Fourth, but there are still eight so-called “thugs” who are still being held. They are Zhu Gengsheng (朱更生), Li Yujun (李玉君), Chang Jingqiang (常景强), Yang Pu (杨璞), Jiang Yaqun (姜亚群), Miao Deshun (苗德顺), Shi Xuezhi (石学之), and Song Kai (宋凯).
1. Zhu Gengsheng (朱更生): Male, around 45 years old. After June Fourth, he was sentenced to the death penalty under the charge of “counterrevolutionary arson” with a two-year suspension and a life-long deprivation of political rights. In Zhu Gengsheng's trial of the first hearing, he was sentenced to death; the second hearing affirmed the original sentence. The Supreme People's Court amended the sentence to a stay of execution during its review of the sentence. In the video of the "riot" of June Third broadcast by CCTV after June Fourth, there was a tank was burning on Tiananmen Square. A young man stood on the tank, brandishing a flag, yelling, "We won!" That was Mr. Zhu Gengsheng.
Zhu Gensheng's father had been a secretary during the Republic of China, before the Communist Revolution. He died during the Cultural Revolution, persecuted to death. Zhu's mother raised him and his two sisters on her own. His eldest sister works at the pharmacy in Beijing Tongren Hospital. In 2006, Zhu Gengsheng's sisters wheeled his octogenarian mother in to visit him. Zhu's mother told him that she may not be able to again visit him and that she was looking forward to seeing him return home soon. His sisters then went in to visit Zhu in turn.
Zhu is not married. Presently he is serving his sentence at Beijing No. 2 Prison. He has over five years remaining in his sentence.
(一)朱更生,男,45岁左右,“六四”后被以“反革命放火罪”判处死刑、缓期2年执行,剥夺政治权利终身。朱更生捕前住北京市政府宿舍院,后搬至海淀区 公主坟一带。朱更生一审被判处死刑,二审维持原判,最高人民法院复核时改判为死缓。“六四”后,中央电视台播放的6月3日夜的“暴乱”录像中,天安门广场 上一辆坦克在燃烧,一个年轻人站在坦克上挥舞着旗子高喊着“我们胜利了”,这个年轻人就是朱更生。朱更生的父亲原系国民政府秘书,文革时被迫害致死,是母 亲一手抚养了他和两个姐姐。朱更生的大姐在北京同仁医院药房工作。2006年,朱更生的姐姐推着轮椅带80多岁的老母亲探监,母亲告诉他,以后可能再也来 不了了,盼着他早点回家------后来只有两个姐姐轮流去看他。朱更生未婚。目前朱更生现在北京第二监狱服刑,余刑还有5年以上。

2. Li Yujun (李玉君): Male, around 45 years old. After June Fourth, Li was convicted of "arson" and sentenced to death with a two year suspension, along with a life-long deprivation of his political rights. The cause of the sentence was a burned military vehicle in around Hongmiao, Chaoyang District, Beijing.
Li Yujun's father was a worker at Beijing Cotton Factory No. 3. His mother died in 1989, and his father remarried. Since his arrest and sentence, Li's father has not been to see him. Li Yujun has three brothers. The eldest was amongst the first to graduate high school following the Cultural Revolution; he settled down in the countryside outside Harbin, Heilongjiang, and does not have the means to go see his brother. The second work in a factory in Balizhuang, on the outskirts of Beijing. He occasionally visits Li with his wife, bringing a bit of pocket money for Li. The third works in an auto repair shop in Huayuan Village, also in the outskirts of Beijing; he generally does not worry about Li. The primary source of Li Yujun’s living expenses are laundry fees, dishwashing soap, toothpaste, and soap to wash his towels; he gets a 5-yuan subsidy from the prison each month.
Li Yujun is unmarried. Presently Li is serving his sentence at Beijing No. 2 Prison. He has over five years remaining in his sentence.
Regarding Zhu Gengsheng and Li Yujun sentences: In 1991, they both received a stay of execution. In 1993, their sentences were reduced to life imprisonment (the sentence went into effect in 1994, after the written judgment came into their possession). In 1996, documentation for Zhu and Li on reducing their life sentence to a fixed term was sent by the prison squadron to the Policy Department of the Beijing No. 2 Prison. By 1997, one year later, they still had not received a reply, so they inquired with a squadron leader. A few days later, the leader of the squadron, Liu Fuli, sent them a reply: we’ve already submitted the data; in fact, it was lost by the prison, the supervision bureau, or the court. We can’t investigate what happened, so you're out of luck. We can do nothing but re-apply. Normally when people take these measures to reduce their sentence, the process take two years. For Zhu and Li, it took them three years. In 1998, they finally received the amended sentence: a fixed term of twenty years.
(二)李玉君,男,45岁左右,“六四”后因“放火罪”被判处死刑、缓期2年执行,剥夺政治权利终身。判刑原因是6月4 日在北京市朝阳区红庙一带烧军车。李玉君的父母是北京国棉三厂的职工,母亲89年前因病去世,父亲再婚,李玉君被捕判刑后父亲从没去看过他。李玉君有3个 哥哥:大哥是老三届,在哈尔滨插队落户,基本没来看过他;二哥在八里庄一个中学校办厂工作,偶尔背着老婆去看一下他,给他点儿零花钱;三哥在花园村的一个 汽车修理厂工作,基本上不管他。李玉君的生活费来源主要是靠给刑事犯洗衣服、刷碗换得一些香皂、牙膏、毛巾,另外就是监狱每月发放的5元人民币津贴。李玉 君未婚。目前李玉君在北京第二监狱服刑,余刑还有5年以上。
对朱更生、李玉君情况的补充说明:1991年他们二人接到死缓判决书,93年才申报减成无期徒刑(1994年无期的判据 书到手后开始生效),1996年他们两人由无期徒刑改为有期徒刑的减刑材料由中队上报到北京第二监狱狱政科,一年后的1997年仍没有回音。於是,他们找 中队领导询问。几天后,中队指导员刘福利答复他们:报上去的材料丢了,究竟是监狱还是监管局或是法院弄丢的,我们也没法查,认倒霉吧,我们只能重新报。就 这样,别人用两年时间即可改判为有期徒刑,他们却用了3年多。1998年他们终於拿到北京中法的改判裁定书:有期徒刑20年。

3. Chang Jingqiang (常景强): Male, 40 (born 1969). After June Fourth, he was sentenced to life and deprived of his political rights on charges of “counterrevolutionary injuries” for “beating an armed police officer in the entrance of People's Hospital.”
Chang Jingqiang is an only child. His father was a furnace worker at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and is in constant anger and stress over his son. In 2000, Chang’s father suffered a cerebral blood clot. He was unable to care for himself after that, so Chang’s mother watched over him. In 2005, his mother died, and his father soon followed. Before Chang was arrested, he lived together with his parents in a brick hutong in Xicheng District, Beijing and later in housing provided by Chang's father's employer in Zhongguan Village, Beijing. In 1998, Zhongguan Village was torn down, and Chang's parents were relocated to Doudian Town in Fangshan District, Beijing. Before he died, Chang's father gave his home and the surplus relocation funds (between 100,000 - 200,000 yuan) to his nephew, entrusting his nephew to give it to Chang Jingqiang [upon Chang's release]. However, Chang's cousin has not been in contact with him since Chang's father died, so he does not know what became of the house and funds.
Presently Chang Jingqiang is serving his sentence in squadron 5 of Beijing No. 2 Prison. He has around two years remaining in his sentence.
(三)常景强,男,40岁(69年生人),“六四”后因“在人民医院门口殴打武警”被以“反革命伤害罪”判处无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身。常景强是家里的 独生子,其父是社科院的锅炉工,由於常年为儿子着急上火,2000年患脑血栓,行动不便,由其母照料,2005年,其母去世,父亲不久也去世了。常景强被 捕前与父母一起住在西城区砖塔胡同,后来常父的单位分房,搬至中关村,1998年中关村拆迁,常的父母又搬迁到房山区窦店镇,其父於去世前将房子和搬迁买 房剩余的十几万房款交给了常的表哥,托他将来转交给常景强。但常父去世后,常的表哥就与他不再联系了,钱和房的去向无人知道。目前常景强在北京第二监狱5 中队服刑,余刑还有2年左右。
4. Yang Pu (杨璞): Male, around 45. After June Fourth, Yang was convicted of "arson" and sentenced to death with a two-year suspension; he was also deprived of political rights for life.
On November 26, 1990, he was transferred from Beijing Prison No. 1 to Beijing Prison No. 2. In 1993, Yang was diagnosed with tuberculosis in both of his leg bones, and he required a cane in order to walk. He was sent to Binhe Hospital for treatment. In 1994, he was transferred to the patient ward of Chadian Prison. Later he was transferred to Yanqing Prison. Due to his illness, Yang was unable to perform manual labor, therefore he was unable to reduce his sentence.
Presently Yang is serving his sentence in Yanqing Prison. He has two to three years remaining in his sentence.(四)杨璞,男,45岁左右,“六四”后因“放火罪”被判处死刑、缓期二年执行,剥夺政治权利终身。90年11月26日从一监转到二监,93年在二监服刑 时查出双腿患“骨结核”,走路需要借用拐杖,后送滨河医院,94年离开二监去茶淀监狱的病号队。后转到延庆监狱服刑。由於他身体有病,无法参加体力劳动, 因此一直没能减刑。目前杨璞在延庆监狱服刑,余刑尚有2至3年。
5. Jiang Yaqun (姜亚群): Male, around 70. After June Fourth, Jiang was convicted of "arson" and sentenced to death with a two-year suspension; he was deprived of his political rights for life. In 1993, he was transferred from Beijing No. 1 Prison to Beijing No. 2 Prison. He is unmarried and has no living relatives. Presently Jiang Yaqun is serving his sentence at Yanqing Prison. He has around five years remaining in his sentence.
6. Miao Deshun (苗德顺): Male, around 45. After June Fourth, Miao was convicted of “arson” and sentenced to death with a two-year suspension. He was also deprived of his political rights for life. Before his arrest, he resided in the Wukesong area and was unmarried.
In April, 1990, while serving his sentence at Beijing No. 1 Prison, he was found to have toxic hepatitis. (At the same time, there were four others in Beijing No. 1 Prison who were in the same cell who also had toxic hepatitis including Gao Hongwei, Yu Wen, and Yang Guanghui; they were all considered to be so-called “thugs.”) At the end of 1993, he was transferred from Beijing No. 1 Prison to Beijing No. 2 Prison and was labeled as an anti-reform troublemaker since he did not confess to his crime. In 1992, his death sentence was commuted to life sentence. Under normal circumstances, it can be reduced to a fixed term sentence in two or three years but he had to wait five because he refused to confess to his crimes. In 1997, his life sentence was commuted to 20 years.
Miao is quite stubborn and in order to not create difficulties to his family, he would not see his parents when they visited him in prison in 1997 and later his family stopped visiting. Because of his refusal to change and participate in labor reform, he was beaten with electric batons by prison officers. The most severe incidence was when four prison captains were electrocuting him with electric batons but the prison captains did not hear him beg for mercy.
During his time in prison, Miao, Shi Xueshi, and Liu Quan (50 years old, sentenced to 15 years after being convicted of being a “thug,” released in 2006, and still has a dent on his head from being smashed on the head with a gunstock by the martial law enforcers) were regarded as the most tenacious prisoners in the facility.
Presently Miao is serving his sentence at Yanqing Prison. He has over eight years remaining in his sentence.
(六)苗德顺,男,45岁左右,“六四”后因“放火罪”被判处死刑、缓期2年执行,剥夺政治权利终身。捕前住五棵松一带,未婚。90年4月在一监服刑时查 出患病毒性肝炎(另外当时同住一个监室的还有四个肝炎患者:高鸿卫、於文、杨光辉,均是“暴徒”)。93年底从一监转到二监,由於不认罪,被监狱定为反改 造尖子。92年从“死缓”改为无期,一般情况下两三年即可减为有期徒刑,但他却等了5年,原因就在於他不认罪,直至97年从无期改为20年。苗德顺性格倔 犟,为不给家里添麻烦,97年他父母去监狱看他,他不见,后来家里就不再去了。由於抗拒改造,拒绝参加劳动改造,经常被狱警电击,最多一次有4个队长用警 棍电他,但从没听到他向队长求过一声饶。在监狱里,苗德顺、石学之和刘权(50多岁,“六四”后因流氓罪被判15年,2006年刑满释放,至今刘权的头上 还有一个坑,是被戒严部队用枪托子砸的)他被公认为是监狱里最顽强的。目前苗德顺在延庆监狱服刑,余刑至少在8年以上。
7. Shi Xuezhi (石学之): Male, around 70 years old. After June Fourth, he was convicted of “arson” and was sentenced to life, and life-long deprivation of political rights for life. In December 1990, was transferred from Beijing No. 1 Prison to Beijing No. 2 Prison. His life sentence was commuted to 16 years and 6 months’ imprisonment in April 1993.
What should be mentioned is this: In the summer of 1991, the squadron Shi Xuezhi belonged to (squadron seven) received an order from Beijing Huateng Rubber&Plastic Latex Products Co to make latex gloves for export to the United States. Shi Xuezhi wrote many notes in English and Chinese and put them inside the gloves. He wrote messages such as, “Long live free democracy,” “freedom will save China,” “good Samaritan, please notify participants in the overseas democratic movement to save us.”
When this was discovered, Shi was put handcuffed, chained, and placed in solitary confinement; his hands and feet were all cuffed together as he sat in the empty room. Shi Xuezhi, who was over 50 years old at the time, also received beatings; he was stepped on by three or four police while five other police beat him with electric batons. Each beating lasted for over half an hour and targeted at his groin, armpits, neck, and face. The electrocution was so severe that his pubic hair was burnt off. Shi never begged for mercy from the officers, not even once. Under the intense pain, Shi Xuezhi only groaned “ahh!” a few times, an automatic, involuntary reaction.
During the more than three months in confinement, Shi Xuezhi was taken back to middle unit frequently and beaten with electric batons. The prison officers referenced Shi’s treatment to threaten the other troublemaking prisoners. Because of Shi’s old age, he was transferred from Beijing No. 2 Prison to Yanqing Prison in 1998. He is currently serving his sentence there and should be released at the end of 2009.
(七)石学之,男,70岁左右,“六四”后因“放火罪”被判处无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身。90年12月从一监转到二监,93年4月从无期改为有期徒刑 16年6个月。值得一提的是:91年夏,石学之所在的中队(七中队)承接了北京乳胶厂出口美国的乳胶手套的活儿,石学之用中、英文写了许多纸条,放进手套 里,纸条上写着:自由民主万岁;自由救中国;请好心人转告海外民运人士救救我们------等。后来被发现,被关禁闭,手铐脚镣加身,手脚用一幅铐子联 上。当年50多岁的石学之被3、4个警察踩着,另外5个警察用电警棍电击,每次都在半个小时以上,电击的部位集中在阴部、腋下、脖子和脸部,阴毛都被电焦 了,石学之从没向警察求过一声饶,痛苦到极点时,他只是本能地“啊、啊”叫几声。在三个多月的禁闭中,石学之经常被提回中队,进行电击,狱方以此来威慑其 他暴徒。因为年龄大,98年从二监转到延庆监狱。目前石学之在延庆监狱服刑,今年年底前释放。
8. Song Kai (宋凯): Male, around 50 years old. After June Fourth, he was convicted of “counterrevolutionary injuries” and was sentenced to life with life-long deprivation of political rights.
On June Fourth, in front of Peking University People’s Hospital, Zhang Baosheng (15 at the time, sentenced to 10 years), Chang Jingqiang, Song Kai, and many other Beijing residents intercepted an Army ambulance. They pulled a soldier (Wang Yuwen, who at the time was given the title “Bodyguard of the Republic”) from the vehicle and the crowd proceeded to beat him. Song Kai put a water bucket over Wang Yuwen’s head so that they would not beat the soldier’s face.
After being arrested, Song Kai was violently beaten by a few dozen martial law officers at Fengsheng Police Station and had his back broken which rendered him disabled for life and could only walk while hunched over. In 1992, his family spent a deal of money to make a case for his parole, but they did not succeed. Before his arrest, Song Kai lived in Zhuanta hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing. He was divorced soon after his arrest.
At the end of 1993, Song Kai was transferred from Beijing No. 1 Prison to Beijing No. 2 Prison and was relocated to Yanqing Prison in 1998. Presently Song is serving his sentence at Yanqing Prison. He has one to two years remaining in his sentence.
(八)宋凯,男,50岁出头,“六四”后因“反革命伤害罪”被判无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身。6月4日在人民医院门口,张宝生(当年15岁,判刑10)、 常景强、宋凯等许多北京市民截获一辆军用救护车,大家从车上把一个当兵(王玉文,当年被授予“共和国卫士”)的拽了下来,遭到众殴,宋凯将一个水桶扣在王 玉文的头上,理由是怕把当兵的打坏了。宋凯被捕后在丰盛派出所内被几十名戒严部队暴打,后腰被打坏了,留下终身残疾,走路时往前探着走。92年时家里曾花 钱为其保外,但没能成功。宋凯捕前住在西城区砖塔胡同,捕后不久离异。宋凯93年底从一监转到二监,98年转到延庆监狱。目前宋凯在延庆监狱服刑,余刑1 至2年。
  1. The information on the circumstances of the eight June Fourth “thugs” listed above is provided by friends; it may not be completely accurate.
  2. Currently the eight so-called “thugs” who remain in custody as well as their relatives have not been in touch with the outside world.
Sun Liyong
Support Network for the Persecuted in China
May 5, 2009
Sydney, Australia
Source Original Release Date: 

中国政治及宗教受难者后援会 孙立勇